Journey Inward: A Yoga Winter Retreat for the New Year

Journey Inward: A Yoga Winter Retreat for the New Year

"To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work."
— Mary Oliver

Are you ready to turn away from the world and channel all attention to your wellbeing? New Year marks the beginning of a cycle and is an auspicious time to make changes. And the season of winter gift us longer nights to incubate the seeds of our intentions.

This New Year Winter Retreat is an invitation to slow down, be intentional with our actions and to transmute whatever beliefs and habits that are no longer serving us. We will dive into the teachings of Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga to rebuild our foundation, clarify our direction, and deepen our personal practice.

The practices we cultivate this week help you:

  • Revive a sluggish nervous system
  • Manage stress and anxiety
  • Trust your body’s innate wisdom to heal and guide you
  • Experience your innate peace and joy
  • Ignite your passion, creativity, and life purpose
  • Expand your understanding of the holistic approach of yoga

May you be nourished by your time away. And may you return home rejuvenated and with insights to make positive changes to your lifestyle to live your life fully.

*Bring a journal and a pen.
*Bring one small object that is meaningful to you, a piece of cloth/handkerchief big enough to cover a yoga block, and a small candle to build a mini altar.
*Jovinna invites you to unplug from social media and your phone during the retreat
**Some yoga experiences required.

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Journey Inward: A Yoga Winter Retreat for the New Year

January 1-5, 2024
Location: Kripalu Center