
Widening Circles

I live my life in widening circles that reach out across the world.I may not complete this last one but I give myself to it.I ...

My yoga journey

“The human shape is a ghost made of distraction and pain.Sometimes pure light, sometimes cruel, trying wildly to open, this image tightly held within itself.” ...


When I was little, my mother taught me how to use my hands to do many chores around the house.  I washed clothes and hung ...

I am not alone.

The shrimps turned orange in the pan, I took the butter knife and scooped up a generous portion of butter and flicked it into the ...

Deep Cleaning before the Year of the Metal Rat

There is a family cleaning ritual before Lunar New Year that has left quite an impression on me. Weeks before the festival, we go over our possessions ...

Fierce Living

A Short Reflection During Sabbatical Another day has dawn. And here I am one day older and I am one day closer to Death. Life ...

Where Have I Been?

There is this math that I sometimes do in my mind when comes to taking trips. I will calculate how many days I spend on ...

Wild 野 Thing

“Like winds and sunsets, wild things were taken for granted…now we face the question whether a still higher ‘standard of living’ is worth its cost ...

What Is The Meaning Of Life?

This is an article recently published by Excellence Reporter’s Nicolae Tanase. Nicolae Tanase: Jovinna, what is the meaning of life? Jovinna Chan: This question has ...

Taking Full Responsibility Of My Life

 “The final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.” ~ Anne Frank When I felt the urgency of this lifetime, I dissolved ...

Cherish This Body

 “Every man is the builder of a temple called his body.” ~ Henry David Thoreau A human body is a miracle happening moment to moment. ...

Play and Pay it Forward

Pay it forward is an expression for describing the beneficiary of a good deed repaying it to others instead of to the original benefactor. I ...

What is Fully Alive?

A couple of weeks ago on a Friday afternoon, I was sitting at the table prepping for the opening night of Fully Alive: Unveil Yourself ...

Tolerance for Inconvenience is Waning. Mayday! Mayday!

Inconvenience (noun) ~ Trouble or difficulty caused to one’s personal requirements or comfort. – Oxford Online Dictionaries “It’s just that when you really start to ...

Creating a Home on the Road

I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.”  ~ Maya Angelou It finally dawned on me that I ...


“Shakti-Ma, how do I begin to write about her?” I almost feel like there is no way to really describe her essence. The best I ...

Be Bold

I took this photo at a cafe in Barcelona, Spain. The message “Be Bold” has been an important mantra I carried with me since I ...

Greeting Spiritual Setbacks

It may be when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know ...

Accepting What Is

“Rather than letting our negativity get the better of us, we could acknowledge that right now we feel like a piece of shit and not ...


Grief is like a pot of stew that has an array of flavors of emotion: devastation, disbelief, anger, fury, lost, depression, guilt, shame, remorse, sadness, ...

God is in the Details

These photos were taken at Symbiosis Music Festival Gathering September 2015. I was fascinated with these art installation because there was so much details in ...

Karuna, (the compassionate one)

I met Karuna in Ulpotha, a retreat site in the heart of Sri Lanka. She is one of the staff there. She made us breakfast ...

Am I a certified 100% Organic Free Range Human Being?

It’s the land that time forgot, full of lore, mystery, and legend. It’s where monkeys swing through the trees and nature is in full play.” ...

Trust the Process: Follow a Thread of Wisdom to Freedom

“…revelation must be terrible knowing you can never hide your voice again” ~ David Whyte “Obliterate what is not” has been a repeating mantra in ...

The Passage of Grief: Receive the hidden gifts

Grief is like a pot of stew that has an array of flavors of emotion: devastation, disbelief, anger, fury, lost, depression, guilt, shame, remorse, sadness, ...

Silent Moments

Once in a while, profound silence and clarity descend upon me. Everything in the room becomes still and present. I look around and notice i’m ...

Why Dance?

Dance is an intimate union of body, mind, heart, and soul. I’ve always loved to dance, and I believe we are all born dancers.  Each ...

Travel to Love, Laugh and to Live Again

These photos were taken during my first trip to Japan last April. It was a first for many things. First time visiting Japan. First time ...


Dirt•y [adj.] Appearing as if soiled; dark-colored; dingy; murky. Pu • ri • fied [verb] 1. To rid of impurities; cleanse. 2. To rid of ...