What is Life?

What is Fully Alive?

A couple of weeks ago on a Friday afternoon, I was sitting at the table prepping for the opening night of Fully Alive: Unveil Yourself ...

Tolerance for Inconvenience is Waning. Mayday! Mayday!

Inconvenience (noun) ~ Trouble or difficulty caused to one’s personal requirements or comfort. – Oxford Online Dictionaries “It’s just that when you really start to ...

Creating a Home on the Road

I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.”  ~ Maya Angelou It finally dawned on me that I ...

Be Bold

I took this photo at a cafe in Barcelona, Spain. The message “Be Bold” has been an important mantra I carried with me since I ...

Karuna, (the compassionate one)

I met Karuna in Ulpotha, a retreat site in the heart of Sri Lanka. She is one of the staff there. She made us breakfast ...

Am I a certified 100% Organic Free Range Human Being?

It’s the land that time forgot, full of lore, mystery, and legend. It’s where monkeys swing through the trees and nature is in full play.” ...

Trust the Process: Follow a Thread of Wisdom to Freedom

“…revelation must be terrible knowing you can never hide your voice again” ~ David Whyte “Obliterate what is not” has been a repeating mantra in ...